Volunteer to make a difference: Why giving back is important

Written by: Rosa Magnus, Development and Volunteer Service Manager, CFRM

As we head into the holiday season, thinking about gifts under the tree and gatherings to celebrate this festive time of year, it is also a time to think about how we can give back to others.  We as community members, neighbors, friends, and family all want to have a sense of purpose in life.  We can do this through the practice of being altruistic, which is the principle of concern for well-being and happiness for other humans, animals, and causes.  We also want to practice transformative behavior, which is the want to have a sense of possibility and abundance through gratitude, generosity, and optimism for a happier and more successful well-being. Being selfless and providing acts of random kindness is in our nature as human beings.  What better way to practice altruism and transformationalism than to volunteer? Let’s take some time to explore why giving back is so important for your community and you!

Volunteering can happen in so many ways whether it be a coordinated effort or just helping a neighbor with a project; these opportunities to give back all lead to the “feel goods” in life.  So why is volunteering so important?  As mentioned, it feels good to give back and when asked, most volunteers will say they receive so much more than they give. In my 24 years of non-profit work, I have always had the opportunity to work with volunteers and not once has a volunteer ever left an event feeling bad or unfulfilled.  Volunteering truly fulfills the deepest of human needs and leads to that transformational feeling of gratitude for life, generosity of others and optimism for better outcomes.  Volunteering can also help you network with others that feel strongly about the same types of causes as you and can build healthy relationships with new friends. You can also develop new skills through volunteering or discover a new path that you didn’t even know you wanted to take. This is especially true for volunteers that may be in school still trying to figure out what they want to do for a career or even getting a “foot in the door” for a desired line of work.  From an organizational standpoint, volunteers are providing a service that is not only a cost savings but also provides another level of service and connection to the people being served.  Most organizations also want to have measurables to report to their boards on volunteer service.  Currently the value of volunteer time for the independent sector is $31.80; that is an incredible offering and savings to a charitable organization that counts on every single dollar for programming.

Volunteering is something that you should be passionate about but how do you know what to get involved with?  One area to think about is a cause that is of personal importance.  If there are certain humanitarian causes that you feel strongly about or if volunteering in your local community is important, these are the types of areas you can explore. Another way to think about how to get started is considering what you like to do for hobbies, area of expertise or a special skill you can offer.  Many non-profits thrive on the gifts of individuals that have certain skill sets or work in certain fields, so this is a great way to give of your time and talents.  Another consideration is the type of volunteering you are interested in could navigate you towards the avenue you take for giving of your time. It could be event specific or ongoing volunteering, online at home such as data entry for an organization, group or individual efforts and then of course even monetary contributions are all different ways to give back to a cause.

Once you have established what types of volunteerism you are interested in, you can then do some outreach and research on different types of organizations. You can do outreach by visiting websites and calling or emailing organizations and charities, as well as online research for bigger events or ongoing volunteer opportunities.  A great way to find out about local volunteer opportunities is to connect with the St. Croix Valley United Way or Community Thread. When you call or email about volunteering, don’t hesitate to ask questions such as what types of opportunities they have or how long the time commitment will be.  Also keep in mind that some volunteer opportunities may require some standard screening processes such as health screenings, background checks and sometime interviews.  Finally, if you are a little nervous to start something new, invite a friend to join you in volunteering! Volunteering and giving back with your time and talents is a great way to make an immediate impact.

Another way to give back is through monetary contributions which takes a little longer to see the benefits for the community, program or individual but the long-lasting outcomes by your gifts are an amazing thing to see.  If you decide to do this type of giving back, make sure it is something that is meaningful to you and will bring joy to your sense of well-being.

If you are interested in giving back specifically to Western Wisconsin Health (WWH), I work with both the volunteer program as well as the foundation. You are welcome to reach out to me and ask questions about volunteerism here at WWH or contributions to the WWH foundation any time! Our WWH mission is to build a healthier tomorrow, together, and WWH would not be what it is today without the support of you and our community.  Volunteers play a pivotal role in the provision of quality and trusted care.

Thank you for all you do for Western Wisconsin Health, our patients, and our community. We are grateful for you!