
Rehabilitation at WWH offers comprehensive, evidenced based treatment options targeted to get you back to living your life. We believe that achieving your goals are very important to your rehab process and are discussed at initial assessment. We choose to work in a rural facility specifically because it allows us to treat a wide variety of conditions and keep our skills. We provide services in occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy, however at this time we do not offer any pediatric speech therapy or neurological or sensory pediatric physical and occupational therapy (orthopedic type referrals are reviewed to determine if we can provide best care or if a specialized pediatric clinic is more appropriate).

We believe in treating the underlying condition, not just the symptoms. Pain control treatments are used to get patients to a point where they are able to tolerate exercise and activity, not as our primary treatment of your condition. Treating the cause of your symptoms is critical to true recovery.

Our goal in the WWH rehabilitation department is to be a resource to our community, as well as the importance of accessibility for successful rehabilitation. We offer both early morning and late afternoon appointments to accommodate schedules in addition to a wide variety of specialized services. This is also why we partner with area schools to offer athletic training services as well as school based occupational therapy.

Common conditions treated include:

  • Acute Pain
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Athletic Injuries
  • Chronic Pain
  • Cognitive Evaluations/Memory Concerns
  • Deconditioning/Muscle Weakness
  • Falls/Balance Concerns
  • Neurological
  • Spine Care
  • Swallowing (Dysphagia)
  • Vestibular and Vision
  • Voice Disturbances

Click here to learn more about these common conditions

Insurance considerations

Wisconsin is a direct access state, which means physical therapists can legally evaluate a patient without seeing a provider first or getting a referral. Despite this, not all insurance companies will reimburse therapy services without a provider referral (Medicare, for example). We recommend contacting your insurance company to determine if direct access is approved with your insurance plan, as this can be a faster route to access therapy. It is important to note that we may refer you to a provider during your evaluation or at any point during your treatment if we feel it is necessary.

If you have any questions regarding the physical and occupational therapy services we provide at Western Wisconsin Health, or if you are interested in scheduling an appointment, please call 715-684-1500.

Adaptive equipment and durable medical equipment are pieces of equipment that help you be more independent and safer at home.  Assessments, recommendations, and training for equipment are available through our Occupational Therapy Department.

WWH OT providers:
Lindsay Veenendall, OTR/L

Elise Sime, OTR/L

Aquatic therapy is unique in its the ability to either assist or resist, depending on how it is utilized. The buoyancy of water decrease weight bearing and pressure on joints while hydrostatic pressure of water allows for increased resistance with movements as well.  Our therapy pool at WWH maintains a water temperature of 90, which is excellent for those with arthritis or people who are not able to move fast enough to stay warm in a standard pool.

Diagnoses that can benefit from aquatic based rehabilitation:

  • Arthritis (not recommended during an RA flare)
  • Back pain, acute or chronic
  • Balance challenges
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Hip pain
  • Knee pain
  • Muscular dystrophy/Multiple sclerosis/Parkinson’s/other progressive disorders
  • Post op patients with weight bearing restrictions (incisions must be healed and cleared by rehab staff)
  • Pregnancy pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Stroke/traumatic brain injury

WWH aquatic therapy providers:

Blood flow restriction cuffs are used to restrict the blood supply in the upper or lower extremity during low load exercise. This provides the same benefits as heavy-load exercises without mechanical stress. This type of treatment is beneficial for patients who are post-surgical, higher level, or with acute upper or lower extremity pain. Your therapist would be happy to discuss this treatment as a possible option for your rehabilitation.

WWH Certified Blood Flow Restriction provider:
Ben Wunrow

Concussions are a mild traumatic brain injury, which can greatly impact your daily life.  Symptoms, consequences and symptom resolution vary greatly, depending on a variety of factors.  Symptoms may begin right away or they may increase over time. While some recover from a concussion in a couple days, many experience symptoms for weeks, months, or years.Symptoms vary greatly between people and our rehab programs are personalized to fit your unique needs and may include:

  • Cognitive Impairment (word finding, difficulty concentrating, memory challenges)
  • Mood Changes
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Light Sensitivity
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches

We address safe return to daily activities, work, school, driving, and sports following a concussion, utilizing evidence-based interventions and state of the art concussion equipment to help you recover from concussion and manage your symptoms.

Our team provides:

  • Senaptec Sensory Station for assessment and training for visual- perceptual deficits
  • Strobe Goggles for visual cognition, visual perception, and vestibular rehab
  • American Institute of Balance Concussion and Vestibular Certification Interventions and Protocols

Concussion rehabilitation is driven by our Occupational Therapy team with collaboration with Physical Therapy, Athletic Training, and Speech-Language Pathology as appropriate.

Deb Kramer, PT, DPT
Adam VanRanst
Lindsay Veenendall, OTR/L

Often, over the counter braces do not fit patients comfortably depending on a variety of factors. We are able to fabricate custom finger, hand, and wrist orthotics for acute injuries, chronic conditions, and post-surgical recovery. The benefit of custom splints is the ability to be modified if a patient needs changing levels of support through the recovery and rehab process. Dynamic splints that promote functional use of the hand can also be fabricated and customized to promote increased independence.

WWH custom splint provider:

Lindsay Veenendall, OTR/L

Elise Sime, OTR/L

We do not offer this service however our acupuncturist does provide the comparable service of trigger point needling and is located within the rehab department.

Parkinson’s Disease Treatment

BIG & LOUD is the gold standard for high intensity rehabilitation targeting people who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, and has been heavily researched. Specialized training is required to become certified.

Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological condition, however with focused exercise and activities, the speed of progression can be slowed as well as preserving quality of life for people with this condition. Exercises and activities are designed to help people move BIG and speak LOUD, with focus on each person’s individualized needs. We recommend both programs at the same time, however you can do one at a time or choose just one.

Behaviors that may indicate BIG and LOUD would be helpful:

  • Slow movements and/or freezing partway through a movement
  • Worsening tremors
  • Posture changes
  • Poor perception of body position
  • Balance difficulties
  • Shuffling when starting to walk; upper body appears to be getting ahead of the lower body


  • Decreased volume or poor perception of volume when speaking
  • Hoarseness
  • Monotone
  • Mumbling
  • Rapid speech
  • Difficulty with word finding
  • Decreased facial expressions
  • Difficulty swallowing or managing secretions

WWH BIG & LOUD certified providers:

Talk with your provider about a referral for BIG and LOUD. Learn more at wwhealth.org or call 715-684-1500 to schedule an appointment.

Lymphedema is a progressive condition that starts after damage occurs to the lymphatic system, stopping it from returning fluid to blood vessels.  This presents as swelling in the arm or leg and can be mistaken for common conditions such as venous insufficiency or edema (swelling) caused by other medical conditions.  Without proactive treatment and management it will continue to worsen, causing permanent changes to skin and swelling.

A variety of factors can contribute to the lymph system not working correctly including:

  • Post mastectomy, likelihood increases with removal of lymph nodes
  • Trauma to an area of the body
  • Scar tissue build up
  • Genetics

How is lymphedema treated?

Complete Decongestive Therapy(CDT) is the gold standard for treatment of lymphedema. It has four main components used to decrease swelling, maintain skin health, and maximize quality of life.

Your treatment plan will include:

  • Massage for lymph drainage(this is very light, not a typical massage)
  • Skin care
  • Compression wrapping, with progression to compression garments
  • Home exercises to continue gains made during treatment sessions
  • Education in lymphedema management and activity assessment with recommendations for lifestyle alterations and symptom management to maximize results.

The overall goal of CDT at WWH is to allow patients to improve their functional abilities, regain independence and improve their quality of life by teaching patients and/or caregivers how to manage their symptoms. This includes the ability to perform maintenance lymph massage, exercises, and skin care as well as applying compression.

WWH lymphedema specialist:

Pain in the SI joint or pelvis unfortunately is common as pregnancy progresses and also post-delivery (vaginal or c section). Discomfort in pregnancy is sometimes a part of normal changes as the body prepares for birth but often it is very fixable. Therapy can help with decreasing pain as well as strategies to stay active without pain. Speak to your provider about your symptoms to determine if a referral to physical therapy is appropriate.

All women would benefit from guidance to regain core stabilization after childbirth regardless of the type of delivery. Regaining your core becomes much more difficult for those who have had diastasis recti, post c section or history of low back or SI joint problems. The goal is to improve dynamic stabilization with core strengthening to minimize risk of injury and eliminate pain.

This is an area of care that is very prevalent, although there is often hesitancy to discuss symptoms with providers.

Many people, both male and female, suffer from conditions related to the pelvic floor including the following:

  • Incontinence (urinary or fecal)
  • Pain during intimacy
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Prolapse
  • Rectocele/Cystocele
  • Testicular Pain

Treatments will vary greatly, depending on the condition and cause of the condition. There is a strong possibility that an internal examination is recommended. Please note that this is not recommended if therapists do not feel it is warranted for treatment.  Internal examinations are always discussed and written patient consent is obtained prior to beginning the exam.

We recognize how personal this type of treatment can be and strongly encourage you to contact the WWH Rehab Department to discuss what treatment may look like with your symptoms, with the goal of increasing your comfort level when you arrive.
WWH pelvic floor providers:

Wheelchair evaluations and training are available through our Occupational Therapy Department. Our therapists help guide the process of obtaining a wheelchair or a pressure relief cushion across disciplines, performing the evaluations and providing letters of medical necessity. They work closely with vendors to ensure your chair is the right one for you. This can be completed for both power and manual wheelchairs as well as scooters.

Our department can help guide seating recommendations but will refer to an Adaptive Technology Professional if specialized pressure mapping is required​​​​​.

WWH OT providers:
Lindsay Veenendall, OTR/L

Elise Sime, OTR/L

What People Are Saying

I’m so glad to be a part of the Western WI Health community. Truly lifesaving for me.

“Dr. Clemma Nash and her functional medicine expertise is outstanding. I’ve seen her a few times for exposure to toxic mold and her knowledge has given me my life back. Not only has the functional medicine saved me, but Dr. Nash’s compassion, listening skills and gentle way has been such a gift for my health. I’m so glad to be a part of the Western WI Health community. Truly lifesaving for me.”

Functional Medicine Patient

I am thankful that there are such good care providers so close to home!

“Just brought my daughter in to see Sara Atteberry, NP, and wow!!! She was thorough, kind, gentle, and smart! What a great addition to WWH. I was very comforted in the care and compassion she showed to my daughter. I am thankful that there are such good care providers so close to home!”

Shayni, Pediatric Patient

We are SO blessed to have Western Wisconsin Health in our community.

“We had a long, tough labor, but we couldn’t be happier! The entire staff was so incredibly amazing. They made a very exhausting two days much better with their warm support, encouraging words, and wonderful knowledge. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are SO blessed to have Western Wisconsin Health in our community.”

Manda, Birth Center Patient