Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; SphinxClient has a deprecated constructor in /home/wwwwwhealth/public_html/wp-content/uploads/sphinx/sphinx-2.1.9-release/api/sphinxapi.php on line 400
Usage: php -f test.php [OPTIONS] query words Options are: -h, --host connect to searchd at host HOST -p, --port connect to searchd at port PORT -i, --index search through index(es) specified by IDX -s, --sortby sort matches by 'CLAUSE' in sort_extended mode -S, --sortexpr sort matches by 'EXPR' DESC in sort_expr mode -a, --any use 'match any word' matching mode -b, --boolean use 'boolean query' matching mode -e, --extended use 'extended query' matching mode -ph,--phrase use 'exact phrase' matching mode -f, --filter filter by attribute 'ATTR' (default is 'group_id') -fr,--filterrange add specified range filter -v, --value add VAL to allowed 'group_id' values list -g, --groupby group matches by 'EXPR' -gs,--groupsort sort groups by 'EXPR' -d, --distinct count distinct values of 'ATTR'' -l, --limit retrieve COUNT matches (default: 20) --select use 'EXPRLIST' as select-list (default: *)